Friday, April 19, 2019


it was never the moment but

the whole of history leading up to it

my apology arriving too late to save my father

a room of ideas set on fire

nothing of any real importance lost and

the body found in the closet just one more

pointless story with no real moral and

it went like this

the indians wouldn't die fast enough

the gold was worth more than

mothers nursing babies

it tasted like fast food and the children were

always hungry and none of the highways ended

until they'd fell into the ocean

the future arrived with the sound of a

plane hitting the north tower and

then it was gone

we were naked

were rolling in broken glass

called it love because we were

bleeding and then

ten years passed and all we had were scars

all we believed in was money

all i had were my poems

twenty million meaningless words to

hang onto while i drowned

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