Monday, February 24, 2020


So, its looking like the possibility of 2 new collections in the next few months -

a smaller side-stitched collection of recent stuff and a bigger “selected works” retrospective-type thingie covering published work from the 2005-2016 period (plus an additional selection of

new, unpublished work to lure in all of the


I wont bore you with the story of THE GREAT FLOOD here but, suffice it to say, I lost all

of my paper archives about 15 years ago,

probably 12-15 years worth of zines, broadsides, fancy journals, postcards and general poetry ephemera.  Probably not a huge  loss for the history of mankind, but it puts a serious

damper on ever having a COMPLETE WORKS

OF JOHN SWEET see the light of day.

So be it.

Ill spread the word when/if these alleged collections ever see the light of day.


don't give me the gift
of jesus christ

don't tell me that faith
carries the same weight
as anger

who would you kill
without regret?

silence is one lie
denial another

at some point
every age becomes the
age of gold

we are all worth more
or less
than someone else

we are never enough

and maybe you recognize this as
the root of all wars

maybe you believe in
blind absolutes like good and evil

a young boy left in a
department store
by his mother's boyfriend

the mother dead and
her body hidden
and what happens next is that
the world moves on

the boy pushes beyond the
edge of the poem

grows up
or possibly doesn't
like others i've known

billy drunk and unconscious
in a burning car

linda devoured by cancer

always the phone at two a.m.
and the faint smile in
the voice on the other end

this girl at the door who says
she just needs
a place to spend the night

says she'll fuck you
but that needs a ride to
her cousin's house in the morning

says her prescription ran out
two weeks ago
and she can't afford any more

asks for a beer

a cigarette

says she hasn't slept in
three days and in the
morning she won't look at you

doesn't want to hear about
pollock or picasso and when you
get back home you
notice that the money's gone
from your wallet

you consider all of the lies
your father ever told you

all of the reasons you have
for hating them
and the way that all it makes you
is tired

the way his friends
disappeared after picking
the corpse clean and now
here i am seven years later with
my wife and children

with nothing in the bank
and the mortgage due

with this anger which can
feed me for
another hundred years but which
burns the skin from my
family's bones

which makes me as hateful a
god as any of yours

my hands moving always
without regret

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