Saturday, June 06, 2020

[i am total love, i am total hate]

speaking without anger to the god of

twisted metal saying

no child deserves this and

never getting an answer


speaking without anger when

anger is all that will save you and

always knowing that violence is inevitable


knowing that your job has no meaning


that your house is falling down

while you sleep

and the ground leaking poison into

the baby's dreams


a thirteen year-old girl at the other

end of the street filled with cancer


a fourteen year old girl across town


and the factories were promises on fire

and when the smoke cleared

we held nothing but lies


the old women kept their statues

of the virgin mary in their front yards

and the neighborhood dogs shit on them

and listen


nothing is what you have and

nothing is who you are

and every day is defined by either

relentless heat or dirty rain


the war can never be won if all we fight

are men more than willing to die


i will sleep better at night

having taught my sons to be afraid






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