Thursday, August 31, 2023

year zero in the terminal empire


blood machine moving down main street,

broken bones and mangled babies and

who the fuck screams with their throat torn out?


who the fuck stops to help the already-dead,

                                  the perpetually stoned,

                              the terminally unwanted?


we have never been a kingdom of saviors


we will never know a truth

unstained by ignorance


let the holy men burn in

their false sanctuaries


let the demagogues be fed to

the rusty whirling blades


you and i are what’s left once

the storm has blown over,

and we still need to bury the children


we still need to wash the feet of

the lepers and junkies


to screw the brothers and sisters of

100,000 anonymous suicides and it’s

not an act of kindness but aggression


a sound like metal on metal, like a

wrecking ball against a skull


music, you know?


explosions, or the slamming of doors


the sound of shots fired on

a nursery school playground


it happens, but then some asshole cocksucker

starts screaming that it never did, and

suddenly you know who the true enemy is


suddenly you see how their story will end

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