Tuesday, August 09, 2022

mantra for beaten dogs


and this isn’t the news of yr

mother’s death, but

maybe just an early rumor


last days of winter or the

first of spring,

frozen clouds in a blue sky, the

inevitability of another new war

in another doomed country


couldn’t feel my hands as i

reached into the river, but

i knew they were there


knew the children would be

crying when i found them, knew

they’d want reassuring lies, and

if i stared hard enough at the sun

i could almost make myself

believe in a better future


if i sat perfectly still in my

father’s house, i could still hear

him tell me what a

disappointment i was


can feel what little warmth is

left in this day fade with

the light


will laugh at the thought of

outliving every motherfucker

who ever tried to fill my

heart with fear

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