I love it - This Coulter dipshit has no Democrats to whine about these days, so she starts to attack Republicans for not being Republican enough. This wingnut has daddy issues or mommy issues or something. Everything she says seems to be a variation of "Pay attention to me! I'm outrageous!" She seems like what Rush Limbaugh might give birth to out his asshole after a hard day of eating pork rinds and popping oxycodone...
Breitbart, Drudge torch health care bill backed by Trump
With the vote on the American Health Care Act looming,
conservative media personalities and outlets that were backers of Donald
Trump throughout the campaign are attacking the Obamacare replacement bill the
White House supports.

Ann Coulter, right-wing provocateur and an avid supporter of the
Trump campaign, has been attacking the bill as “Obamacare Lite” since
its text became public, hammering House Speaker Paul Ryan along the way. “Could
some investigative reporter write a piece explaining why Ryan is so hellbent on
this deeply unpopular healthcare bill?” she wrote earlier this week,
before criticizing Trump and Ryan for making tax cuts next on their legislative
agenda instead of trade and immigration.
“This is beginning to look like every other Republican
administration: massive spending on the military, which wastes $125 billion a
year, according to a McKinsey report. He’s moving money from one swamp to
another. We don’t want war; we want more jobs, a wall and lots of deportations,
not all of this stuff that is indistinguishable from the Jeb Bush

Matt Drudge, who had mostly stayed out of the
AHCA fray, turned the banner of his website against Ryan on Friday
morning. The line Drudge chose echoes a 2010 Nancy Pelosi quote, in which the
then-House speaker said of the Affordable Care Act, “we have to pass the
[health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it,” a quote that was
played often on Fox News and defended by Pelosi.
Breitbart News — formerly headed by Trump’s chief strategist,
Steve Bannon — has also been hammering the bill, which the right-wing site
dubbed “Ryancare.” On Friday, it promoted a New York magazine
story stating that Bannon had expressed concerns over the fact the
bill was “written by the insurance industry.” The site has also been hammering Ryan, including releasing
audio of the speaker during the 2016 campaign saying he wouldn’t support Trump
and publishing so many stories criticizing Ryan and the bill that its
journalists were scolded by the conservative
National Review.

Earlier this month the conservative outlet Newsmax published a story urging the
president to abandon the Freedom Caucus and work on a bipartisan
plan to pass a “Medicaid for All” bill. Christopher Ruddy, the founder of the
site and a longtime Trump friend,
wrote the piece.
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